Thursday, August 21, 2008

End Of Camp

Camp Wanocksett

OK, so the last week was a crazy one, we had a lot of "bonus" program including a huge water balloon fight, a HUGE fire, and the last dance with Camp Wa-Klo, the girls camp across the lake. The water balloon fight was as big as ever, well so i was told because i slept through it. The dance was OK, but in the beginning the lighting was wrong, so me and another staff member made a decision to change it... admin didn't like it, but there was nothing they could do about it. The dance overall went well.

Later in the week, Thursday night to be exact, we had our huge bonfire with about 250 pallets.

it was about 30 feet tall when we were done building it.

Burning bright

Yeah we may be crazy, but we are safe.

We made apple pie =)

That night me and 5 other people stayed up to make sure the fire didn't get out of hand. i was the only one that stayed up the entire night, so i slept through the day on Friday, the day of the large water balloon fight.

All the campers left Saturday, but not before the entire staff went swimming in full uniform!

Breakdown Week!!

The last time we were all together was probably the banquet Monday night during breakdown week. it was a lot of fun, and we had good food, but it also came with some unfortunate news. Our camp director of the last 3 years, who had been on staff for the last 10 years, was not coming back next year. we were all very surprised, and the general consensus among senior staff was that it was a little bit scary because we knew that we would be running the camp next year.

Overall the summer was a lot if fun, and everyone made a lot of new friends!!!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Camp Update!

End of Week 6

Camp is basically the same, but there have been a few challenges. We now have a couple of staff members on vacation for the rest of the summer... not by choice. Next week is our last week with campers, and is usually the most fun because of all the "bonus" programs. Over the past month, we had some staff members go to Philmont scout ranch, in New Mexico. it is a high adventure base where scouts go and backpack for a couple of weeks. While they were gone, program ran the same, but people were borrowed from other areas, and everyone did what they were supposed to. Over the past couple of weeks, i have broken apart, and burned a building, and learned to drive the camp tractor. The funny part about the tractor is that i am allowed to operate it, but the camp director, and assistant camp director is not allowed to use it. In the past couple of weeks, i have also broken a lawn mower and replaced the starter in the red truck, and in the new motor boat.


Between weeks 5 and 6 this year we went on crazy staff fun day. it is just as it sounds, a lot of fun. we go to the beach for the day, and then spend several hours at the hampton boardwalk at night. this year it was a lot of fun, but it rained for a little while. every year we get in some kind of trouble with the police. this year, a group of our older staff members acted like raptors, and attacked one of the younger staff members on the beach... the police thought someone was being raped. Before we even left for the trip, one of our staff members accadently dumped a cup of soda on the bus driver... he was pissed. oh yeah... the bus driver was not good at shifting the bus, almost every time he shifted, he would grind gears... i cringed every time.. and my music was dead so i couldn't drown it out :^(