Sunday, February 10, 2008

Patrolling for the day

Ok so not in any order these are a few of the pictures i took. the skiing was great, but i got all the accadents for the day, yeah all of them. i was frist on for all of them except for one, which i brought a sled to. i really should be sleeping right now, but i wanted to put these up. my day started at 5:30 this morning and is still going. oh yeah... the night was pretty boring. NO ONE WANTED TO SKI!!!!!!!!!! sure it was cold and windy, but if you put your face in your jacket on the way up the lift, it was not that bad. Matt H, and Tucker was on the other side, so i really didn't have anyone to ski/ride with all night. they all just sat in the top shack, and as you know skiing/riding by yourself gets old really fast.

All of the pictures look okay, but you would think they all look like crap if you were actually there. i am thinking of doing it again next week. well the morning anyway, it kinda depends on who is going to be there and how much homework i have.

Best part about night crew was being asked all the time where my other half was... i got pretty confused, but caught on eventually. oh yeah... melissa and missy kept asking me if i was lonely... the answer : YEAH!!

Fire Tower

Balance Rock

Tower Up Top

Better if you were there

Close Up of Trees

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